Parking, Directions & Bus Access
We have FREE underground parking for all of our clients for the first hour. Here is some helpful information regarding access to the parking.
1) Drive down Brookers Lane take a right turn at the end of the street and another right into the building.
2) Drive up to the garage door which is on the right side and it will open automatically.
3) Drive down the ramp to P2 and park in any visitors parking spot.
4) Once you have parked, get a ticket from the machine which is located by the elevator.
5) Type in your licence plate number. When it asks for the time you would like to park select 1 hour.
6) Display your ticket on your dashboard.
7) Go back to the elevator and go up to the Ground (G) floor. Once you exit out the glass sliding doors turn left and another left on Lakeshore.
We are also accessible via public transit.
1) 66b and 501 Street Car. The stop is right in front of Rabba which is just a few doors away from our clinic.